I hate going to the gym, am terrible with routines, and don't notice time passing.

Realized that getting a "buy a 10 visit bundle" membership to a gym was counterproductive because it made each visit feel too precious. I didn't want to go if I wasn't going to go do a "proper" session.

However, I've learned recently that consistency is more important than exercising a ton in one go.

Clearly a monthly membership is more motivating, but as time passes it's easy to forget your initial good intentions and by the end of the month I've often barely used it. The thing about monthly membership is that each visit makes all your visits cheaper. So, following the principles of Brett Victor, who said to make the invisible visible, let's make those costs visible.

I made this simple spreadsheet that does the calculations for you. Print it out, put it on your wall, and each time you go to the gym you can write the new price per visit on that day. Let me know if it works for you!

Gym motivator

Gym motivator spreadsheet

Gym motivator simplified

Simplified version, where you just cross off how many times you've gone this month (no calendar)

If you struggle with time related things in general, I also made this calendar app for people with ADHD.

Calendar for ADHD with a 24h dial
Your events on a fixed 24h dial