Pocket Operator sync modes explained
What each one does, and how to use them to chain everything together. »
What each one does, and how to use them to chain everything together. »
Redesigned the PO-33 to have more information in the LCD, and to mimic the OP-1 series. Why? Why not? »
Everything on one page, again »
Everything you need on one page. »
Lovely side project! I think I'd be happy doing more of these. »
Quickref deep dive into the weirdness of the Bastl Kastle. »
I'm always forgetting the button combos on Instruo modules, and even though the full gold on black is gorgeous, I've found adding some color with Befaco bananuts to the inputs and outputs helps me find what I'm looking for at a glance. (green for »
Yes, I had to make one of my own. I've found it's easier to remember them when you think of them like sentences. So here's my update to the really nice cheatsheet found here: https://modwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=182134&start= »
If you think of "Load" as "all", "Zero" as "restrict to 1 octave" the button combos are easier to remember. (I also keep needing to remind myself that "shred" means "random" and not "destroy".) »
All the stuff I want to remember about the Arbhar on one page. »